IN THE FONT DE MAIInterpretive trail
This extensive domain is a gateway to the hills of Marcel Pagnol.
However, it is possible, while staying on site, to follow an interpretive trail which, in one hour, will give you a glimpse of the Provençal scrublands.

Scents of thyme and rosemary, fruit trees, the wheat threshing floor, the building and the climax: an orientation table!
These are some of the many places to be uncovered along this interpretive trail and many others along the way.
An introduction to first-class visual and olfactory sensations!
A gateway to the hills of Garlaban.

Demain peut-être, avant midi, à travers la roche éventrée, nous verrons surgir l’eau des collines cent fois plus précieuse que l’or.
Tomorrow, perhaps, before noon, through the broken rock, we shall be seeing water emerging from the hills, which is a hundred times more valuable than gold.