©rhdr|EB OTI Aubagne


Twice a year, in summer and at Christmas time, santon makers and ceramists settle in the center of Aubagne for this claywork market!

A Time To Gather

Around the Christmas Tree...

Marché au santon et à la céramique du Pays d'Aubagne et de l'Étoile - hiver 2016
Marché au santon et à la céramique du Pays d'Aubagne et de l'Étoile - hiver 2016
Marché au santon et à la céramique du Pays d'Aubagne et de l'Étoile - hiver 2016

Every Year End

From mid-November to the end of December, the santon makers and ceramists of the Pays d’Aubagne et de l’Étoile settle on the Cours Foch, in the heart of the city of Aubagne, to present their latest creations. This market lines up a large panoramic nativity-crib scene.

In December, Christmas activities, such as the Biennale de l’Art Santonnier and its parade of living santons (on even years), the Christmas Market, the Big Advent Supper Show, the living nativity scene, the ice rink, and many other entertainments, take place along the santon makers’ and ceramists’ market.

A Time

In Sunny Summer

In the Heart of Summer


Every summer, in August, ceramists and santon makers from the Pays d’Aubagne and the Etoile settle on the Cours Foch, in the center of Aubagne, to present their latest creations.

In August, the Argilla biennial (on odd-numbered years) and summer events (concerts, open-air cinema, etc.) take place along the santon makers’ and ceramists’ market.
