Anes Enclos Font De Mai Balade Location|
The Donkeys
Of the Font de MaiFrançois
Have your kids appreciate hillwalking, thanks to a large choice of donkey rides. François JEAN welcomes you on the domain.
Donkey rental will allow you to appreciate the joy of hiking, even with your little ones!
Know and value your environment, to protect it better.

Anes Anier Balade Garlaban La Font De Mai Oti Aubagne|

Anier Anes La Font De Mai Balade Oti Aubagne|
Rental :
- Donkey ride (children under 40kg),
- Hiking with a donkey.
Donkey rental only with prior reservation.
Rental possible subject to compliance with sanitary rules and barrier gestures on site. Reservations are open unless otherwise stated by the government.
Rental rates:
short ride of 15/20 min : 10€
an hour : 15€
half day : 35€

Anes Balades Randonnées Garlaban La Font De Mai Oti Aubagne|
Activities :
- Introduction to driving a donkey, birthday parties, school groups,
- Animal mediation:
- Suitable for people with disabilities (PDD, autism, associated disorders…)
- Private or group sessions for individuals and/or specialized institutions.

Anes Balade Location Domaine De La Font De Mai Oti Aubagne|
Want to know more ?
Meet at the donkey enclosure !